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PIH - ch12 - Lazy evaluation - exercises

by @ardumont on

Best evaluation

Show why outermost evaluation is preferable to innermost for the purposes of evaluating the expression fst (1 + 2, 2 + 3).

We do not need to evaluate the result of the innermost redex (2+3) for having the result (1+2) entry (which is what we want). So evaluation by name is more interesting here. We avoid one resolution.


Given the definition mult = λx → (λy → x ∗ y), show how the evaluation of mult 3 4 can be broken down into four separate steps.

Using apply-by-name (outermost):

mult 3 4 = (\x -> (\y -> x * y)) 3 4
         = (\y -> 3 * y) 4
         = 3 * 4
         = 12


Using a list comprehension, define an expression fibs :: [ Integer ] that generates the infinite sequence of Fibonacci numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, … using the following simple procedure:

  • the first two numbers are 0 and 1;
  • the next is the sum of the previous two;
  • return to the second step.

Hint: make use of the library functions zip and tail. Note that numbers in the Fibonacci sequence quickly become large, hence the use of the type Integer of arbitrary-precision integers above.

First implementing fibonacci using simple recursion:

fibo :: [Integer]
fibo = fibonacci [0,1]
         fibonacci (x:y:xs) = x:fibonacci (y:x+y:xs)

*C12> take 20 fibo

Then, some playing around with zip and tail to make some dumb sum can be a good treat:

*C12> let xs = [1..10] in [ (x,y,x+y) | (x,y) <- zip xs (tail xs)]

Now we can implementing using a list comprehension

fibo :: [Integer]
fibo = 0:1:[ x+y | (x,y) <- zip fibo (tail fibo)]

-- *C12> take 20 fibo
-- [0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597,2584,4181]

fibonacci 2

Using fibs, define a function fib :: Int → Integer that returns the nth Fibonnaci number (counting from zero), and an expression that calculates the first Fibonacci number greater than one thousand.

First, we will take the nth fibonacci number.

fibs :: Int -> Integer
fibs n = fibo !! n

*C12> fibs 10
*C12> fibs 100
*C12> fibs 101

Finding the first fibonacci number greater than one thousand.

In other word, we can drop the numbers as long as they are below one thousand. We want the first one which satisfies the predicate:

*C12> head . dropWhile (<= 1000) fibo

appropriate version

Define appropriate versions of the library functions repeat :: a -> [a] repeat x = x : repeat x

take :: Int -> [a] -> [a] take 0 _ = [] take _ [] = [] take n (x : xs) = x : take (n-1) xs

replicate :: Int -> a -> [a] replicate n = (take n) . repeat

for the following type of binary trees: data Tree a = Leaf | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)

First a little function to help in displaying the tree.

p :: Show a => Tree a -> IO ()
p = (mapM_ putStrLn) . treeIndent
    treeIndent Leaf          = ["-- /-"]
    treeIndent (Node lb v rb) =
      ["--" ++ (show v)] ++
      map ("  |" ++) ls ++
      ("  `" ++ r) : map ("   " ++) rs
        (r:rs) = treeIndent $ rb
        ls     = treeIndent $ lb

And now the function asked for.

repeatTree :: a -> Tree a
repeatTree v =
  Node t v t
  where t = repeatTree v

takeTree :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
takeTree 0 _     = Leaf
takeTree _ Leaf  = Leaf
takeTree n (Node l x r) = Node (takeTree (n-1) l) x (takeTree (n-1) r)

*C12> p $ takeTree 3 (repeatTree 0)
  |  |--0
  |  |  |-- /-
  |  |  `-- /-
  |  `--0
  |     |-- /-
  |     `-- /-
     |  |-- /-
     |  `-- /-
        |-- /-
        `-- /-

replicateTree :: Int -> a -> Tree a
replicateTree n = (takeTree n) . repeatTree

*C12> p $ replicateTree 3 0
  |  |--0
  |  |  |-- /-
  |  |  `-- /-
  |  `--0
  |     |-- /-
  |     `-- /-
     |  |-- /-
     |  `-- /-
        |-- /-
        `-- /-


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