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game of life in clojure + demo

by @ardumont on

It has been a while since I implemented this and I thought this was time to show it.

Plus, I will made a little demo in video to show the result.


  • live cell with 2 or 3 nb stays live
  • live cell with less than 2 dies
  • live cell with more than 3 dies
  • dead cell with 3 comes to life




The usual namespace declaration:

(ns "A namespace to compute the game of life policy"
  (:require [clj-of-life.draw :as d]
            [midje.sweet :as m]));; I like to add my test in the same namespace for documentation in the code


We create a higher-order function stepper, which given a function 'neighbours-fn', return a function computing the new universe given a previous one.

(defn stepper
  "Compute the new universe (of live cells) from the previous one depending on the neighbours-fn function."
  (fn [universe]
    (let [freq (frequencies (mapcat neighbours-fn universe))]
      (set (for [[cell n] freq
                 :when (or (= n 3)
                           (and (= n 2)
                                (universe cell)))]

Basic implementation

For this, we will need to be able to compute the neighbours cell of a cell (represented by [x, y] coordinates).

(defn neighbours "Compute the neighbours of a cell"
  [[x y]]
  (for [dx [-1 0 1] dy [-1 0 1] :when (not= dx dy 0)]
    [(+ x dx) (+ y dy)]))

(m/fact :simple-check-around-neighbours
  (neighbours [0 0]) => (contains [-1 -1] [-1 0] [-1 1] [0 -1] [0 1] [1 -1] [1 0] [1 1] :in-any-order)
  (neighbours [3 1]) => (contains [2 0] [2 1] [2 2] [3 0] [3 2] [4 0] [4 1] [4 2] :in-any-order))

With the stepper function, we can now have a basic game of life implementation using the neighbours function:

;; one simple game of life implem
(def next-state-universe (stepper neighbours))

  (next-state-universe #{[0 1]})  => #{}
  (next-state-universe #{[0 1] [0 2]}) => #{}
  (next-state-universe #{[0 1] [0 2] [1 1]}) => #{[0 1] [0 2] [1 1] [1 2]})


We need to be able to bootstrap a universe (random cells smashed together):

(defn random-universe "Generate a random universe of live cells"
  (let [n (rand-int (/ (* size size) 2))]
    (set (repeatedly n (fn [] [(rand-int size) (rand-int size)])))))




We'll use clojure's capacity of java interoperability to do some graphical visualisation.

Here is the draw.clj namespace:

(def *size-cell 10);; size of the cell
(def *offset 29)   ;; for the border drawn in gnome (do not work under stumpwm)

Some drawing utility functions:

(defn- get-gfx "Given a width and a height, returns a frame with these dimension"
  [width height]
   (doto (javax.swing.JFrame.)
     (.setDefaultCloseOperation javax.swing.WindowConstants/DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE)
     (.setSize width height)
     (.setVisible true))))

(defn get-drawing-setup "A utility function to retrieve the drawing settings."
  (let [wh (* rows *size-cell)]
    (get-gfx wh wh)))

To draw a cell, we need the color to paint the background of the cell and its coordinates:

(defn- draw-cell "Given a color and a cell's coordinate, draw the cell with the color 'col'"
  [gfx col y x]
  (.setColor gfx col)
  (.fillRect gfx
             (* *size-cell x)
             (+ *offset (* *size-cell y))
             *size-cell *size-cell))

The main function to draw the entire universe:

(defn draw "Draw the game of life"
  [gfx n u]
  (let [color {:dead java.awt.Color/WHITE
               :live java.awt.Color/BLACK}
        r (range n)]
    (doseq [x r, y r]
      ;; clear the painting
      (draw-cell gfx (:dead color) x y)
      ;; optimisation for display
      (when (u [x y])
        ;; draw the new state if needed
        (draw-cell gfx (:live color) x y)))))



Let the game begin:

(defn game-of-life "Game of life: Given a number of rows, display a game of life with rows x rows frame."
     (game-of-life rows (random-universe rows)))
  ([rows universe]
     (let [gfx (d/get-drawing-setup rows)]
       (iterate (fn [univ] (let [nxt-universe (next-state-universe univ)]
                         (do (d/draw gfx rows nxt-universe)
                             (Thread/sleep 300)

Improvments Make the game-of-life function a HOF to receive the draw function as parameter. This way, we could change the rendering policy at will.

Run> (game-of-life 20) ;; launch a clj-of-life game with 20x20 frame

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