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Binary Search Trees

by @ardumont on

Given the following binary Tree data type data (Ord a) => Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a), provide an implementation of all functions defined in this file.

To enforce the property of Binary Search Trees, functions that insert elements in the given Tree must be implemented in such a way that the invariant of a binary search tree always hold.

Note To avoid repetition, we will add directly some haskell sample computed in the repl and add them directly after the function definition.

Binary Search Tree


A tree is either an emtpy node or a node composed of a left tree and a right tree.

data (Ord a) => Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)


A utility function to create easily a leaf.

leaf :: a -> Tree a
leaf x = Node x Empty Empty

Sample trees

Here are the 2 trees we will use to check the functions:

t1 :: Tree Int
t1 = Node 4 (leaf 3) (Node 7 (leaf 5) (leaf 10))

t2 :: Tree Int
t2 = Node 20 (Node 15 (Node 8 (leaf 7) (leaf 11)) (leaf 18))
             (Node 118
                     (Node 35 (leaf 33) (Node 49 Empty (leaf 60)))
                     (leaf 166))


The size of the tree is taken to be the number n of internal nodes

those with two children)
size :: Num a => Tree b -> a
size Empty        = 0
size (Node _ l r) = 1 + size l + size r

*BinarySearchTree> size t1
*BinarySearchTree> size t2


Returns an unsorted list of all values in the given Tree A supplementary constraint is that we need to be able to rebuild the tree from the list.

toList :: Tree a -> [a]
toList Empty        = []
toList (Node x l r) = [x] ++ (toList l) ++ (toList r)

*BinarySearchTree> toList t1
*BinarySearchTree> toList t2

To check that we can rebuild the tree from the previous output, we will create a function fromList that creates a Tree from a list:

fromList :: Ord a => [a] -> Tree a
fromList []     = Empty
fromList (x:xs) = Node x (fromList lefts) (fromList rights)
                  where p      = (<= x)
                        lefts  = takeWhile p xs
                        rights = dropWhile p xs

We can now check that we can rebuild the tree from the list computed from the toList function.

*BinarySearchTree> (fromList . toList) t1 == t1
*BinarySearchTree> (fromList . toList) t1 == (leaf 1)
*BinarySearchTree> (fromList . toList) t2 == t2
*BinarySearchTree> (fromList . toList) t2 == (leaf 1)

Sorted List

Returns a sorted list of all elements of the given Tree.

toSortedList :: Tree a -> [a]
toSortedList Empty        = []
toSortedList (Node x l r) = toSortedList l ++ [x] ++ toSortedList r

*BinarySearchTree> toSortedList t1
*BinarySearchTree> toSortedList t2

Smallest value

Returns the smallest value in the given Tree. Given the nature of the tree, as long as the tree has left branches, we continue the computation from the left branch. When no left branch remains, we have the smallest value.

smallValue :: Tree a ->  Maybe a
smallValue Empty            = Nothing
smallValue (Node x Empty _) = Just x
smallValue (Node _ l _)     = smallValue l

*BinarySearchTree> smallValue t1 == Just (head (toSortedList t1))
*BinarySearchTree> smallValue t2 == Just (head (toSortedList t2))
*BinarySearchTree> smallValue Empty == Nothing

Greatest values

Returns the greatest value in the given Tree. Symmetrically, we continue the computation from the right branch. When no right branch remains, we have the greatest value.

Returns the greatest value in the the given Tree
greatValue :: Tree a -> Maybe a
greatValue Empty            = Nothing
greatValue (Node x _ Empty) = Just x
greatValue (Node _ _ r)     = greatValue r

*BinarySearchTree> greatValue t1 == Just (last (toSortedList t1))
*BinarySearchTree> greatValue t2 == Just (last (toSortedList t2))
*BinarySearchTree> greatValue Empty == Nothing


Returns the mirror of the given Tree. The mirror tree is a tree where all left and right branches are permuted and this recursively.

mirror :: Tree a -> Tree a
mirror Empty        = Empty
mirror (Node x l r) = Node x (mirror r) (mirror l)

*BinarySearchTree> t1
Node 4 (Node 3 Empty Empty) (Node 7 (Node 5 Empty Empty) (Node 10 Empty Empty))
*BinarySearchTree> mirror t1
Node 4 (Node 7 (Node 10 Empty Empty) (Node 5 Empty Empty)) (Node 3 Empty Empty)
*BinarySearchTree> t2
Node 20 (Node 15 (Node 8 (Node 7 Empty Empty) (Node 11 Empty Empty)) (Node 18 Empty Empty)) (Node 118 (Node 35 (Node 33 Empty Empty) (Node 49 Empty (Node 60 Empty Empty))) (Node 166 Empty Empty))
*BinarySearchTree> mirror t2
Node 20 (Node 118 (Node 166 Empty Empty) (Node 35 (Node 49 (Node 60 Empty Empty) Empty) (Node 33 Empty Empty))) (Node 15 (Node 18 Empty Empty) (Node 8 (Node 11 Empty Empty) (Node 7 Empty Empty)))


Returns whether the given Tree contains the given element or not.

contains :: Ord a => Tree a -> a -> Bool
contains Empty _        = False
contains (Node x l r) y = case compare y x of
  EQ -> True
  LT -> contains l y
  GT -> contains r y

*BinarySearchTree> contains t1 3
*BinarySearchTree> contains t1 4
*BinarySearchTree> contains t1 7
*BinarySearchTree> contains t1 5
*BinarySearchTree> contains t1 10
*BinarySearchTree> contains t1 11
*BinarySearchTree> contains t1 1

Right son

Returns the right son of the given Tree.

rightSon :: Tree a -> Tree a
rightSon Empty        = Empty
rightSon (Node _ _ r) = r

*BinarySearchTree> t1
Node 4 (Leaf 3) (Node 7 (Leaf 5) (Leaf 10))
*BinarySearchTree> rightSon t1
Node 7 (Leaf 5) (Leaf 10)
*BinarySearchTree> t2
Node 20 (Node 15 (Node 8 (Leaf 7) (Leaf 11)) (Leaf 18)) (Node 118 (Node 35 (Leaf 33) (Node 49 (Leaf 48) (Leaf 60))) (Leaf 166))
*BinarySearchTree> rightSon t2
Node 118 (Node 35 (Leaf 33) (Node 49 (Leaf 48) (Leaf 60))) (Leaf 166)

Left son

Returns the left son of the given Tree.

leftSon :: Tree a -> Tree a
leftSon Empty        = Empty
leftSon (Node _ l _) = l


Insert a new ordered value into the tree. Note that it preserves the Binary Search Tree properties. This insert implementation does not need to keep the balanced properties.

insert :: (Ord a) => Tree a -> a -> Tree a
insert Empty x = leaf x
insert (Node x l r) y = case compare y x of
  GT -> Node x l (insert r y)
  _  -> Node x (insert l y) r

*BinarySearchTree> insert t1 10
Node 4 (Leaf 3) (Node 7 (Leaf 5) (Node 10 (Leaf 10) Empty))
*BinarySearchTree> insert t2 200
Node 20 (Node 15 (Node 8 (Leaf 7) (Leaf 11)) (Leaf 18)) (Node 118 (Node 35 (Leaf 33) (Node 49 (Leaf 48) (Leaf 60))) (Node 200 (Leaf 166) Empty))


Is this tree a binary search one?

For this, I created a utility function to retrieve the value of a node.

value :: Tree a -> Maybe a
value Empty        = Nothing
value (Node x _ _) = Just x

*BinarySearchTree> value (Node 10 Empty Empty)
Just 10
*BinarySearchTree> value (Leaf 10)
Just 10
*BinarySearchTree> value Empty

isBSearchTree :: (Ord a) => Tree a -> Bool
isBSearchTree Empty = True
isBSearchTree (Node x l r) =
  case [value l, value r] of
    [Nothing, Nothing] -> True
    [Nothing, Just z]  -> and [x < z, isBSearchTree l, isBSearchTree r]
    [Just y, Nothing]  -> and [y <= x, isBSearchTree l, isBSearchTree r]
    [Just y, Just z]   -> and [y <= x, x < z, isBSearchTree l, isBSearchTree r]

*BinarySearchTree> isBSearchTree (Node 10 t2 t1)
*BinarySearchTree> isBSearchTree t1
*BinarySearchTree> isBSearchTree t2
*BinarySearchTree> isBSearchTree (insert t2 1)
*BinarySearchTree> isBSearchTree (insert (insert t2 1) 100)


Delete the maximal value from a tree.

deleteMax :: Tree a -> (Maybe a, Tree a)
deleteMax Empty            = (Nothing, Empty)
deleteMax (Node x _ Empty) = (Just x, Empty)
deleteMax (Node x l r)     = let (y, t) = deleteMax r in
                             (y, (Node x l t))

*BinarySearchTree> t1
Node 4 (Node 3 Empty Empty) (Node 7 (Node 5 Empty Empty) (Node 10 Empty Empty))
*BinarySearchTree> deleteMax t1
(Just 10,Node 4 (Node 3 Empty Empty) (Node 7 (Node 5 Empty Empty) Empty))
*BinarySearchTree> t2
Node 20 (Node 15 (Node 8 (Node 7 Empty Empty) (Node 11 Empty Empty)) (Node 18 Empty Empty)) (Node 118 (Node 35 (Node 33 Empty Empty) (Node 49 Empty (Node 60 Empty Empty))) (Node 166 Empty Empty))
*BinarySearchTree> deleteMax t2
(Just 166,Node 20 (Node 15 (Node 8 (Node 7 Empty Empty) (Node 11 Empty Empty)) (Node 18 Empty Empty)) (Node 118 (Node 35 (Node 33 Empty Empty) (Node 49 Empty (Node 60 Empty Empty))) Empty))


Delete the minimal value from a tree.

deleteMin :: Tree a -> (Maybe a, Tree a)
deleteMin Empty            = (Nothing, Empty)
deleteMin (Node x Empty _) = (Just x, Empty)
deleteMin (Node x l r)     = let (y, t) = deleteMin l in
                             (y, (Node x t r))

*BinarySearchTree> t1
Node 4 (Node 3 Empty Empty) (Node 7 (Node 5 Empty Empty) (Node 10 Empty Empty))
*BinarySearchTree> deleteMin t1
(Just 3,Node 4 Empty (Node 7 (Node 5 Empty Empty) (Node 10 Empty Empty)))
*BinarySearchTree> t2
Node 20 (Node 15 (Node 8 (Node 7 Empty Empty) (Node 11 Empty Empty)) (Node 18 Empty Empty)) (Node 118 (Node 35 (Node 33 Empty Empty) (Node 49 Empty (Node 60 Empty Empty))) (Node 166 Empty Empty))
*BinarySearchTree> deleteMin t2
(Just 7,Node 20 (Node 15 (Node 8 Empty (Node 11 Empty Empty)) (Node 18 Empty Empty)) (Node 118 (Node 35 (Node 33 Empty Empty) (Node 49 Empty (Node 60 Empty Empty))) (Node 166 Empty Empty)))


Given a tree and an entry, remove the node from the tree. This must only delete the node targeted and not all the branch from the node.

remove :: Ord a => Tree a -> a -> Tree a
remove Empty _        = Empty
remove (Node x l r) y = case compare y x of
  LT -> Node x (remove l y) r
  GT -> Node x l (remove r y)
  EQ -> case deleteMax l of
    (Just z, t) -> Node z t r
    (Nothing, _) -> case deleteMin r of
      (Just w, s) -> Node w l s
      (Nothing, _) -> Empty

*BinarySearchTree> t1
Node 4 (Node 3 Empty Empty) (Node 7 (Node 5 Empty Empty) (Node 10 Empty Empty))
*BinarySearchTree> remove t1 4
Node 3 Empty (Node 7 (Node 5 Empty Empty) (Node 10 Empty Empty))
*BinarySearchTree> remove t1 10
Node 4 (Node 3 Empty Empty) (Node 7 (Node 5 Empty Empty) Empty)
*BinarySearchTree> remove t1 7
Node 4 (Node 3 Empty Empty) (Node 5 Empty (Node 10 Empty Empty))

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