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4clojure - Intervals problem

by @ardumont on

Since I like to try and solve problems, I thought of posting my solutions.

This may trigger some interesting discussions about how to improve the original algorithm.

Here is the exercise 171 of 4clojure about intervals.

Write a function that takes a sequence of integers and returns a sequence of "intervals". Each interval is a a vector of two integers, start and end, such that all integers between start and end (inclusive) are contained in the input sequence.

(ns ^{:doc ""}
  (:use []
  (:require [ :as t]))

(defn intervals
  (let [[f & t] (sort v)]
    (if f
        (fn [[[a b] & r :as l] e]
          (if (<= a e (+ 1 b))
            (conj r [a e])
            (conj l [e e])))
        [[f f]]

  (intervals [1 2 3]) => [[1 3]]
  (intervals [10 9 8 1 2 3]) => [[1 3] [8 10]]
  (intervals [1 1 1 1 1 1 1]) => [[1 1]]
  (intervals []) => []
  (intervals [19 4 17 1 3 10 2 13 13 2 16 4 2 15 13 9 6 14 2 11]) => [[1 4] [6 6] [9 11] [13 17] [19 19]])

source: 171.clj

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