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Hello world in morse with clodiuno

by @ardumont on

We will now still use the same circuit but this time, we will add a little more fun. What if we let the led talk in morse.



It's the same one as before. That is only one LED on the 13 pin.

Shut up and show us the code

Morse DSL

it's as simple as a clojure data - map and vectors.

A map with a char as the key and the vector of bits as the morse representation.

;; 0 represents short signal
;; 1 represents long signal
;; Intermational morse from
(def letters-2-bits {\a [0 1]
                     \b [1 0 0 0]
                     \c [1 0 1 0]
                     \d [1 0 0]
                     \e [0]
                     \f [0 0 1 0]
                     \g [1 1 0]
                     \h [0 0 0 0]
                     \i [0 0]
                     \j [0 1 1 1]
                     \k [1 0 1]
                     \l [0 1 0 0]
                     \m [1 1]
                     \n [1 0]
                     \o [1 1 1]
                     \p [0 1 1 0]
                     \q [1 1 0 1]
                     \r [0 1 0]
                     \s [0 0 0]
                     \t [1]
                     \u [0 0 1]
                     \v [0 0 0 1]
                     \w [0 1 1]
                     \x [1 0 0 1]
                     \y [1 0 1 1]
                     \z [1 1 0 0]})



;; circuit: Just a led on the 13 pin.

;; time
(def short-pulse 100)
(def long-pulse 250)
(def letter-delay 500)

;; pin number
(def pin-led 13)

;; functions

(defn blink
  "Given a board and time, make the led blink a given time"
  [board time]
  (digital-write board pin-led HIGH)
  (Thread/sleep time)
  (digital-write board pin-led LOW)
  (Thread/sleep time))

(defn blink-letter
  "Given a letter, blink according to the sequence of 0 (short pulse) and 1 (long pulse)"
  [board letter]
  (doseq [i letter]
    (if (= i 0)
      (blink board short-pulse)
      (blink board long-pulse)))
  (Thread/sleep letter-delay))

(defn write-morse
  "Given a word, make the led blink in morse for each letter (no upper case, no punctuation)"
  [board word]
  (doseq [l word]
    (blink-letter board (m/letters-2-bits l))))

(defn main-write-morse
  "Given a serial device entry:
- open the board
- make the led blink in morse the word word
- then close the board"
  [board-serial-port word]
  (let [board (arduino :firmata board-serial-port)]
    ;;allow arduino to boot
    (Thread/sleep 5000)
    (pin-mode board pin-led OUTPUT)

    (write-morse board word)

    (close board)))



;; define the device according to your env setup (this may vary)
(def device-board "/dev/ttyACM0")

;; this is a limitation on the underlying lib clodiuno uses. Indeed, it searches only for /dev/ttySxx serial devices
;; and on ubuntu GNU/Linux it's named /dev/ACM0
(System/setProperty "" device-board)

;; now declaring the board
(def board (arduino :firmata device-board))

;; the led must be set in output mode
(pin-mode board pin-led OUTPUT)

;; Now the heart of the program
(write-morse board "hello world")

;; just to show you that it works (as almost everybody knows at least that sos is 3 short 3 long 3 short)
(write-morse board "sos")

;; do not forget to free the board
(close board)

Shut up and show us the real thing

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