We will now still use the same circuit but this time, we will add a little more fun. What if we let the led talk in morse.
Source: https://github.com/ardumont/arduino-lab
It's the same one as before. That is only one LED on the 13 pin.
Shut up and show us the code
Morse DSL
it's as simple as a clojure data - map and vectors.
A map with a char as the key and the vector of bits as the morse representation.
;; 0 represents short signal ;; 1 represents long signal ;; Intermational morse from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morse_code (def letters-2-bits {\a [0 1] \b [1 0 0 0] \c [1 0 1 0] \d [1 0 0] \e [0] \f [0 0 1 0] \g [1 1 0] \h [0 0 0 0] \i [0 0] \j [0 1 1 1] \k [1 0 1] \l [0 1 0 0] \m [1 1] \n [1 0] \o [1 1 1] \p [0 1 1 0] \q [1 1 0 1] \r [0 1 0] \s [0 0 0] \t [1] \u [0 0 1] \v [0 0 0 1] \w [0 1 1] \x [1 0 0 1] \y [1 0 1 1] \z [1 1 0 0]})
source: https://github.com/ardumont/arduino-lab/blob/master/src/arduino_lab/morse.clj
;; circuit: Just a led on the 13 pin. ;; time (def short-pulse 100) (def long-pulse 250) (def letter-delay 500) ;; pin number (def pin-led 13) ;; functions (defn blink "Given a board and time, make the led blink a given time" [board time] (digital-write board pin-led HIGH) (Thread/sleep time) (digital-write board pin-led LOW) (Thread/sleep time)) (defn blink-letter "Given a letter, blink according to the sequence of 0 (short pulse) and 1 (long pulse)" [board letter] (doseq [i letter] (if (= i 0) (blink board short-pulse) (blink board long-pulse))) (Thread/sleep letter-delay)) (defn write-morse "Given a word, make the led blink in morse for each letter (no upper case, no punctuation)" [board word] (doseq [l word] (blink-letter board (m/letters-2-bits l)))) (defn main-write-morse "Given a serial device entry: - open the board - make the led blink in morse the word word - then close the board" [board-serial-port word] (let [board (arduino :firmata board-serial-port)] ;;allow arduino to boot (Thread/sleep 5000) (pin-mode board pin-led OUTPUT) (write-morse board word) (close board)))
source: https://github.com/ardumont/arduino-lab/blob/master/src/arduino_lab/write-morse.clj
;; define the device according to your env setup (this may vary) (def device-board "/dev/ttyACM0") ;; this is a limitation on the underlying lib clodiuno uses. Indeed, it searches only for /dev/ttySxx serial devices ;; and on ubuntu GNU/Linux it's named /dev/ACM0 (System/setProperty "gnu.io.rxtx.SerialPorts" device-board) ;; now declaring the board (def board (arduino :firmata device-board)) ;; the led must be set in output mode (pin-mode board pin-led OUTPUT) ;; Now the heart of the program (write-morse board "hello world") ;; just to show you that it works (as almost everybody knows at least that sos is 3 short 3 long 3 short) (write-morse board "sos") ;; do not forget to free the board (close board)