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4clojure - win a tic tac toe problem

by @ardumont on

As in problem 73, a tic-tac-toe board is represented by a two dimensional vector. X is represented by :x, O is represented by :o, and empty is represented by :e.

Create a function that accepts a game piece and board as arguments, and returns a set (possibly empty) of all valid board placements of the game piece which would result in an immediate win.

Board coordinates should be as in calls to get-in. For example, [0 1] is the topmost row, center position.

problem: 119

I reused the algorithm from the previous exercise 73 which, given a board, compute the winner of the board. And first, I developed a version to prove the correctness of the algorithm.


My main idea to solve this is to generate all possible boards by replacing for each :e the player we want to see win. Then computing the coordinates for which it indeed worked.

(defn win?
  (letfn [(w [[[a b c]
               [d e f]
               [g h i]] p] (or (= p a b c)
                               (= p d e f)
                               (= p g h i)
                               (= p a d g)
                               (= p b e h)
                               (= p c f i)
                               (= p a e i)
                               (= p c e g)))]
    (cond (w b :x) :x
          (w b :o) :o
          :else nil)))

(defn win
  [p b]
  (let [n (-> b first count)]
    (->> (for [x (range n) y (range n)] [(get-in b [x y]) [x y]])
         (filter (fn [[e _]] (= :e e)))
         (map (fn [[_ v]] [(win? (assoc-in b v p)) v]))
         (filter (fn [[w _]] (= p w)))
         (map second)
         (into #{}))))

Simply, I pipe these different computation steps:

  • I compute all the values for all possible coordinates
  • filter on the value :e for each coordinates
  • replace the empty entries by the current player to play and compute the winner of the result board
  • filter on the winner which must be the current player
  • retrieve only the coordinates
  • reduce them in a set

and voila, tests ok.


From this on, I realised that most of those steps could be done directly with the initial list comprehension for. So here it goes:

(defn w?
  (letfn [(w [[[a b c]
               [d e f]
               [g h i]] p] (or (= p a b c)
                               (= p d e f)
                               (= p g h i)
                               (= p a d g)
                               (= p b e h)
                               (= p c f i)
                               (= p a e i)
                               (= p c e g)))]
    (cond (w b :x) :x
          (w b :o) :o
          :else nil)))

(defn win [p b]
  (let [n (-> b first count)
        r (range n)]
    (set (for [x r
               y r
               :let [v [x y]
                     e (get-in b v)]
               :when (and (= :e e) (= p (-> b (assoc-in v p) w?)))]

(fact (win :x [[:o :e :e]
               [:o :x :o]
               [:x :x :e]]) => #{[2 2] [0 1] [0 2]})

(fact (win :x [[:x :o :o]
               [:x :x :e]
               [:e :o :e]]) => #{[2 2] [1 2] [2 0]})

(fact (win :x [[:x :e :x]
               [:o :x :o]
               [:e :o :e]]) => #{[2 2] [0 1] [2 0]})

(fact (win :x [[:x :x :o]
               [:e :e :e]
               [:e :e :e]]) => #{})

(fact (win :o [[:x :x :o]
               [:o :e :o]
               [:x :e :e]]) => #{[2 2] [1 1]})

source: 119

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